December 2018
Why exactly Ramboll?
What makes Ramboll an interesting, important and relevant case name for the 2019 AAU Case Competition? As many of you considering to participate, in next year’s AAU Case Competition (AAUCC) might have heard by now, [...]
The ‘Go to Guide’ of AAU CC 2019
It won’t be long now until the 2019 AAU Case Competition [AAU CC] is going to be kicked off. Are you ready? Find out what you or your group can expect from the competition, [...]
February 2018
A day at Arla
As you may know, Arla is our case name this year, and therefore, we have chosen to present some inside knowledge about the company, which will demonstrate just how good an opportunity it is to [...]
November 2017
Are you ready for AAU Case Competition 2018?
One way for companies to find their future is by cooperating with a case competition. A case competition is the perfect platform for the participating company to get in contact with students. And [...]
April 2017
Part one: The port of Aalborg – this year’s exciting case name!
Have you wondered: who is the Port of Aalborg and why are they so interesting? We went to the Port of Aalborg to answer those questions for you. This is part one out of a [...]
March 2017
Down by Memory Lane!
The winter is coming to an end and spring is upon us. Here at AAU Case Competition we have been using the winter to look back on last semester and our debut here at AAU [...]
Why exactly Ramboll?
What makes Ramboll an interesting, important and relevant case name for the 2019 AAU Case Competition? As many of you considering to participate, in next year’s AAU [...]
The ‘Go to Guide’ of AAU CC 2019
It won’t be long now until the 2019 AAU Case Competition [AAU CC] is going to be kicked off. Are you ready? Find out what you [...]
A day at Arla
As you may know, Arla is our case name this year, and therefore, we have chosen to present some inside knowledge about the company, which will demonstrate [...]